Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Vic: Cor' 'd'u' 'l'aire

Airy, aerated soil. Bright Hindenberg blue. Complete without artifice. Drinkable. Easy to drink. Fun to drink. Gallows humor on the tongue, cheeks, nose, lips, and tonsils. High as a kite, as an absolute kite. In the rise is an expectation of sordid preferentialism. Just a glass of wine so stop making such a fuss. Killer body, did you check that body? Light, airy, and bright. More ripe berry brain just preceding the climax. Never-never-landish. Opulent, expensive, gilded, ridiculous. Precious pink poodle poop. Quinine blue in blacklight. Radioactive blue on the upper G I. Still ponds of fragrant mutuals fall away to reveal the crippling drought of light blue sky and skylight. Troubled water calms when the prophet is thrown overboard. Urgent cherry-stained tongue-work works tongues of stain-cherried urgencies. Volatility in voice but not in body. Wildflowers grow up across the once proud orchards of the fade in. Xanathan gum thickens the body, making it thick, a thick body. Yellow flowers, green flowers, blue flowers, red flowers, pink orange flowers, all the flowers but not purple flowers. Zealots on horseback toss their flaming jam torches through your windows and make you wonder how you got here. Yon village is broken, is wild, is bitter. XXX rated pseudo-finish drops off to make room for a second rise, unheard of in an American Cor. Where you'd expect a deep resentment is instead a stubborn flag-waving ignorance. Violence begets violence begets really stupid country songs. Until it trickles down to the schools, the problem's just going to keep rearing its stupid red fruit head. Ticklish, light, airy, and bright. Sensitive to ticklish, light, airy, and bright food pairings. Rhone-style tanninity. Quilted layers of patchy ticklish light and airy brightness. Proud vines reach skyward and consume what sun there is left in the siltiness of the short dark period. Olive trees that laid the foundation for athena's people, her self-proclaimed populace. Nearly invisible in its clarity. More air than earth. Likely as not to evaporate between bottle and glass. Keenly aware of its own vinegar mortality and lets you know it. Jammy as Charlemaigne. Insistent, ticklish, light, airy, and bright. Half feather, half leaf, half butterfly, half brandy. Guar thickens the body further, especially at the end. Frozen at room temperature. Ending on a strong note of weakness. Dust. Crater. Blameless. Alluvial.

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