Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Stop trying to understand.

Letting go completely, letting go of everything precious, stable, planful, letting go of the superego, letting go completely is only the very beginning. It's only what it takes to open the first door of the first antechamber, the foyer, the little room where the umbrellas drip in the corner.

Between there and answers lies the entire house, and it's a big house, a many roomed house, like the house in Clue, like a Korean sauna castle, like a big pile of house.

There is a room made of gold and there is a room made of ice and there is another made of steam and another made of grass. There is a room made of tart and there is a room made of spinning and there is another made of feathers and another made of leather. There is a room made of email and there is a room made of wine and there is another made of cubism and another made of serialism. There is a room made of questions and there is a room made of collars and there is another made of brick and another made of clay. There is a room made of ringtone and there is a room made of quanta and there is another made of call and response and another made of racism. There is a room made of delft and there is a room made of dry and there is another made of denim and another made of daring and another made of drunk and another made of dreary and another made of dicta and another made of dust. And in each room there is a thing and around each thing there is a question and the answers are all in the kitchen and the kitchen is in the deepest part of the house where the cool earth keeps the produce and the hot earth runs the stove and the cool earth is dark and soft and the hot earth is red and flowing and that's where it happens. That's where we bake.

But the kitchen is far away from the foyer, as far away as possible and the trap door is hidden beneath an ornate rug and the room is locked and you're still trying to understand which means you're not even close to getting in the house at all.

Not even close, but you're welcome to come in when you're ready.

the gold sauna
the ice sauna
the red sauna
the blue sauna

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